Monday, May 27, 2013



Well I prefer it with chinese food

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame * /Best disney movie/*

May 26 Well another boring day, I tried to something beneficial to my life, but I'm not motivated, usually I'm the motivative guy, I'm not in this country, gosh. I did try to join clubs, but non are open jees. And believe me going sight seeing alone is depressing, I mean really depressing, for instance I was going by the forest and I heard foxes wowwing and I wasn't even terrified, I'd wish for them to eat me alive, I'm usually in that mood but this time I'd die alone and that won't be any fun If someone is eating me, well darn it I'm not going alone. SCREAMS SHOULD BE SHARED, that's what friends are for. The Gym wasn't fun either, although there was that girl that kept starring at me the whole time, I wonder if she kept starring because I had something in my face, she did giggle, but I looked away, sigh Ai't no body got time for tha. Anyway I'll die alone, peace out.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Friday 2 pm


SO in the middle of monday after hearing my beloved mother for 7 straight days, I applied or at least tried to, apply for 20+ different stores, I did them online although I did ask 2 stores in the " real world"  I thought to call one of my application and the lady said, call friday so I'm stuck till friday  to hopefully maybe, possibly find another job, I don't mind staying at home, I really don't, I would love to enjoy reading my books, make watch my favorite series or finally finishing final fantasy, but Nooo Apparently I have to work according to my mother who keeps reminding me about the amount of diapers she used to change a day, sigh! I really don't hate the woman, if anything i love her till death but apparently she doesn't know how to *how to put this nicely*  minimize her voice in a well polite manner.
Back to the point, the lady said Friday, right? at what time, OH GOD I forgot already, nooooooooooo
Oh what shall I do, oh cruel world of missery, Oh she said 2:00pm well I better hope she does want someone, I really do, so anyway Don't die until my next blog oh you fantastic readers, If any of you exist anyway, remember I wuv you.
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